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57550- Ugo Basile Passive Avoidance Apparatus- Stoelting





This classic instrument for Pavlovian Conditioning exploits the tendency in mice and rats to escape from an illuminated area into a dark one (step-through method). The instrument consists of a tilting-floor box (for mice or rats) divided into two compartments by a sliding door and a control unit incorporating a scrambler shocker.


For the Mouse, Rat and Cat

The Basile Passive Avoidance Instrument is an efficient, reliable instrument for the classic passive avoidance task.

Rodents will normally crawl through a small opening into a darker chamber. If they are shocked in the dark chamber… this normal tendency is reduced, measured by longer latency or refusal to enter the dark chamber …that is, to passively stay where they are.

A unique elevator door design opens the passage to the dark side after a preset delay. The doors operate silently and automatically. Latency to pass through the doors is recorded with 0.1 sec. resolution. The controller allows digital setting of the shock intensity in milliamps.


57550 (Ugo Basile Passive Avoidance (step-through), Rat)

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